It Took About Seven Weeks To Go Through Tekno’s Contract With My Lawyers – Ubi Franklin

The rumors of Tekno leaving his boss, Ubi Franklin has been airing for a while now and as a lot of people would say, that’s bad business for Triple MG as the raving act Tekno, is in the form of his life.
However, the Yawa singer just bagged another endorsement deal with Pepsi Cola and Triple MG boss, Ubi has come out to say he is confident with the contract. In an interview with Sunday Scoop, Ubi said he made sure he went through the contract thoroughly before having Tekno sign it.
In his words; I read the contract properly. It took me about seven weeks to go through the contract with my lawyers; internationally and locally. I had to expunge some things and also include some clauses. There is nothing to worry about. In music business, there are times when you would never be happy and there are times when you would be happy so you have to mix and manage both. Tekno’s rise is simply as a result of hard work, prayers and perseverance. Some people pray and they don’t work hard but if you pray and work hard, it will happen for you.
Further speaking about Iyanya’s exit from the label, Ubi again highlights that he did not split from Iyanya;
I didn’t split from Iyanya. Maybe you should ask him what happened between us. Once a contract is over, you can go if you want to nobody will prevent you from doing so. There is no bad blood between Iyanya and I; he is my brother for life.
Ubi is also thinking of expanding Triple MG’s tentacles as he hinted that he is currently doing a lot of TV and movie productions at the moment;
I am actually doing a lot of TV and movie productions right now. They wouldn’t necessarily feature my wife though; it depends on who fits the role. Meanwhile, I just signed three new artistes and I would be unveiling them soon.

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